7#ZnYl l l l l l.llll l.mmmxlnP npn*nl nnnnnnnnnnn%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% %% #### ### ## ### ### %% A Compilation of Letters, Memorandums, %% %% ## ## ##### ## ######## %% %% %% ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## %% Intercepted FAXes, User's Manual Notes,%% %% #### ## ## ## # ## ## ## %% %% %% ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## %% Personal Notes, Data Captures, Tips, %% %% ## ## ##### ## ## ## ## ## %% %% %% ## ## ### ##### ## ## ## %% and Other Information on the Topic of %% %% %% %% %% A Siemens Company %% ROLM CBX. Brought to you by oleBuzzard %% %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 01-Jun-94 %%%% ###### ### # # ##### ### ### ### ### ##### ## ## #### ##### ### ##### # # ## ### ### ### ### ### ## ## ##### ## # ## ### ### ### ### ##### # # ### ## ### ### ### ### ## ## ## ### ### ### ### ##### ##### ##### INTRODUCTION Well I'm back again with another goodie, this time on the issue of: ROLM CBX. From the beginning let me say that THIS FILE IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!. Hmmmm? That's not like me? Usually all my files are written expressly for beginner's? Well I had to break with tradition this time, for one simple reason...I know absolutley nothing about ROLM CBXs. See, here's the deal: I-was-on-this-board-and-the-issue-of-ROLM-PhoneMail- and-ROLM-CBXs-came-up-and-they-sounded-pretty-neat-and-all (this is all supposed to be read ala Valley Girl) and-so-I-decided-to-find-out-more-abou them-andso.... Any way, I began to gather up some info on ROLMs and I decided to make a little collage of this gathered information. The information provided here has been attained through various CUD methods, including trashing, h/p'in, FAX interception, IRC, and, in one case, I've borrowed a 1k'er on the subject from Brownstone. Anyway, all information here is provided exactly as it was received. Hardcopy documents were either retyped, or OCRd, and captured text was pasted in with lousy grammar and all. AS A RESULT OF ALL THIS, YOU LUCKY READERS GET FREE CBX NUMBERS AND PASSWORDS, AND USERIDS, AND WHATEVER THE HELL ELSE I CAME UP ON. So lets have at it. * NOTE * Unless otherwise stated, all ac's are 303 (Denver, CO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENT NO. 1: Data capture of a ROLM login screen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ROLM CBX MODEL 50, 9030A PROCESSOR (Prom Rev 3.0) SITE ID: MCITH33198 RELEASE: 9005.2.78 BIND DATE: 17/September/92 12 Megabytes Copyright (c) ROLM, A Siemens Company 1992 All rights reserved - Property of ROLM YOU HAVE ENTERED CPU 2 08:59:36 ON Friday 4/1/1994 27 DEGREES C USERNAME: ##### Well I just through this in to help you in identifying a ROLM system. # N # If there's any overly valuable information here I don't know about it. # O # Then again, check out the next file # T # # E # # S # ##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENT NO. 2: Phile on ROLM defaults ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From : brownstone To : Pokey Subject: Hummin comin at ya... Hahhaha maaaaaaaaan i remember R0lm cbx the mini switches.. shit i'm so old-skewl its funny.. this backdoor might still work on some r0lm cbxes across the country.. RELEASE: 9004.4.35s;/ BIND DATE 13/APR/89 COPYRIGHT (C) ROLM CORPORATION, 1987 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - PROPERTY OF ROLM CORPORATION 18:28:15 ON WEDNESDAY 9/19/1990 24 DEGREES C USERNAME: 2 get in wif the funky buddah do dis.. USERNAME:ENG PASSWORD:.. TO generate the password it is Day of moth (12) + node # (1) + 1st digit in minute (2) =15 then take total (15) and use last digit as the 1st digit in password..then add characters "wid" then add system # (29734) then take name of month (sept) and add 1st character (s).. booooya the password is 5WID29734S i remember socialing every rolm site in america out of rolm tech support.. if anyone needs help with the OS lemme know.. --- Paragon Systems * Origin: UPT - 602-894-1757 - NuP: BINARY (1:950/602.1) ##### Well, I've never gotten this little trick to work. I've asked around, # N # and according to / oleBuzzard's kn0wledge phreak (k0p) #### #### ###### ### ######## - - - #### #### ## ###_{_} ## ######### 5000+ Hack/Phreak/Anarchy text philez ######## ## / ###\_/ ## #### #### No duplicatez and No Korrupted philez! ####### ## ,(___### ## #### #### Fan-phuckyn-tastic phile descriptions ######## ## o \ \## ## #### #### None o'that Upload/Download ratio shit #### #### ### ##### ######### n0 laim-R k-phUkiN-k0ol wHereZ d00dz! #### #### ######### ######## and No Phuckyn Bullshit! (Thanks Laz) -------------------------- #### ------------------------------------------------ 24oo-14.4oo kilobaud %%% 0pEn twIn-t f0Ur/sEvUn %%% area k0de [303]-PRI-VATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uopen^fd}/ T/(P-@[X{xgFPG_Xg~u,P3RPRP9 KIPh` ZO6J*2D\)vJFf&hQUd2<@U0JgvWHPI0g$Jg}FPB516)*5` JUFPB5PIU`WHP,PH2(_\MJ-pVP0,PG_0U`pZ_,P#Uv" f/pTVP"g&̖vJ&KQ - U-K[(jV/~MZ_RPX"[hsD[\j8f*9.&/ T P"h.7@^u[5`29B. .7@^9.z[hO'n[o 9<@t'h6O'h:T2reNZZ @N8"p Z3mW;I $ c d E 1 { | A u v w  - T k >iqw}"#7Fnpr Kp*0 %*0 *0 ^ $&r 8:]_)*+x\01%:Qdq| 12I\]qU=nopQ*0 aV3efg  O]^/vHr  D n !!+!,!5!^!!!!!"1"~"##c####$$A$B$$$$$%(%O%n%%%&&.&X&&&''+'U''''()(S(}((()%)O)x)))c)*#*M*w***++4+5+F+[+++++, , ,$,%,&,q,,,,,,,-7-8-k---.#.o.p.//P/y/z/{/////000&0'0P0Q000000111Z1[1112 2 2I2_2`22222333H3_3a333334 4V4444445$5=5Ec5E5M5U5]5e5f55564656X66677F7788f8899"9#9l999:;:::;;;^;;<<?>P>Q>>>>?2?{????@ @S@@@AA,A-A[AAAAABB;BhBBBCCGCsCCCCD2D{DDDDDEEEFcEFEEEEF0FdFeFFFGGNGtGGGHHFHqHHHHIIDIEIIJ-J5J6JJK K KYKKKKKL L L]LLMMMLMMN/N^N_NNNO&OrOsOPPRPPPPQQ QZQ[Q|Q}QQQQQQR;RRS%SrSSSTTT$T%TqTU UU?U@UaUcUUUUUUVVRVSVVW3WWX!XqXYY`YZ V YZ ##A+3>HES%YNP@(PP@ P@PP L@ Z.)5EEFUZ/012345 !"&'()*+,-.  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